- 14 Video Modules - 14 Exclusive PMDD Workbooks for each Module - 14 Bonus Quizzes for each Module - Signature Certification of Completion Signed by Dr. Rose - Introduction to “My Partner Has PMDD…Now What?!” - Creating a Vision for Your PMDD Relationship - Why are you with Your PMDD Partner? - Tools for How PMDD Symptoms affect Your Relationship - #1 PMDD Partner Mistake - How to Get the Intimacy Back - Attachment Styles & PMDD Relationships - How to Stop the Fights About Family Dynamics & PMDD - 7 Research Based Qualities of a Supportive PMDD Partner How to stop walking on eggshells and be supportive when your partner has Pre-Menstrual Dysphoric disorder (PMDD) Having a relationship with someone who has PMDD (Pre-Menstrual Dysphoric Disorder) can be frustrating when you do not know the right things to say and do when your partner is in their luteal phase and experiencing PMDD symptoms, but with the right PMDD specialized tools, you can become a supportive PMDD Partner through every phase of their cycle while also getting your needs met within the relationship. In "My Partner Has PMDD...Now What?!," you’ll gain actionable tools to guide you through communication, PMDD Rage, intimacy, family dynamics and so much more.
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